Irrigation services, just a step away…

​The past few weeks have been very busy, productive and thus largely rewarding for the Soil & Water Resources Institute (SWRI) team. Close collaboration with involved partners in consequtive TELCOs, long hours on the bench and several field trips to finish up with instruments’ installations, so as to be ready in time for the services to initiate.

A big THANK YOU to all collaborating partners: NOA, FZJ, Fraunhofer, AGROAPPS, CERTH, AC, ETAM, Ktima Gerovassiliou, Oikonomou, and of course to the great SWRI team members.

And a special thanks to the wonderful farmers, their agronomists, Yiannis (the Metaxohori municipal district head), Theodora (Agia’s municipality EU projects’ officer), Antonis Goudaras (Agia’s municipality mayor) and his deputy-mayors.