Update from the Agia pilot fields in Greece

The researchers of the SOIL & WATER RESOURCES INSTITUTE (Land Reclamation Department-LRD) of ELGO DEMETER and the Forschungszentrum Jülich, along with our farmer partner Stamatis Economou and the Municipality of Agia, carried on their hard work during an intensive week-long (30/8/2020-4/9/2020) field work trip at the Agia pilot fields, in Greece.
More than 35 instrument nodes were set up and over 300 online measurements are already coming in, on top of what was already being collected at Pinios Hydrologic Observatory.
Moreover, the infrastructure is almost completed and ready to support the irrigation scheduling and water resources availability methodologies at the Agia pilot fields.
A true innovation hub is live and kicking!!!
You can click here to watch a short video from the instruments installation.