S.C.D.V.V. Murfatlar (SCVM) is a public institution which operates under the supervision of the Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, with general scientific competence in the fields of researches in viticulture and enology. SCVM is located in the middle of the vineyard (17000 ha) with the same name that it is spreading on the central hilly area of the Constanţa County. Since more than a century, beginning with the 1907, at Murfatlar were established the first plantations for research, which were named “The nursery Murfatlar’’.
Currently, the land administered by SCVM consists of 160 ha of which 115 ha productive plantations (45 ha certified ecologic), 15 ha – young vineyards, 10 ha rootstocks and 20 ha nursery. High concentrations of sugars in must of the grapes, as a consequence of dry climate and the calcareous soils, created at Murfatlar the opportunity of obtaining semisweet wines and natural sweet wines, original, which were asserted easily in time, at international and national competitions. Currently, here are obtained all range of wines, dry, semidry up to sweet ones. The assortment consists in wines from white varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot gris, Sauvignon, Fetească regala, Riesling Italian, Muscat Ottonel, Tamaioasa romaneasca, Columna and the varieties for red wines: Pinot noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagra and Mamaia.
For more details visit their website.
ROLE WITHIN THE PROJECT: SCVM will participate in ATLAS as a pilot study test site and contribute to the project by taking over the role of an end-user. SCVM will support the project to conduct pilot studies related to the targeted application of plant protections by providing the necessary environment for the field tests.