Soil & Water Resources Institute (Land Reclamation Department-LRD) is one of the 11 Research Institutes of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DEMETER (HAO-DEMETER). It was originally established in 1960’s, and its main priorities include: (a) research, (b) technical assistance, and (c) training and dissemination activities. Out of the 64 members of staff, 18 (7 researchers, 6 specialised scientists, 5 admin and technicians) belong to the LRD, whereas 22 more specialised scientists are subcontracted for the needs of the current projects. Over the last 7 years LRD has participated in over 15 research projects (national and EC), with a total budget of over 10M€, five of which funded by Life+ programme (SoS, EcoPest, SAGE10, oLIVECLIMA, AgroClimaWater). Most projects are agriculture oriented and mainly related to agricultural water management and policy, water resources modelling, implementation of state-of-the-art technological solutions and sensors in environmental monitoring, compilation and implementation of good agricultural practices, climate change impact assessment, environmental impact assessment in agriculture and soil resources management in agricultural areas. Moreover, a strong element of the conducted research and development projects is related to the implementation of national and European legislative acts that fall in the disciplines of SWRI’s expertise. The Institute has also strong involvement in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60), being the operator of the river discharge monitoring and water sampling nationwide (2012-2023), as part of the national monitoring network.
Role within the Project: SWRI will be involved in all activities of WP4 related to the development of services for irrigation management and complement with the results of these activities the work on decision support services in WP6. SWRI will be responsible as research and innovation partner at the pilot studies in the Pinios Hydrologic Observatory and support the innovation hub build there.
Website: https://www.swri.gr/